5 Home Prep Tips for the Fall
Chilly days and falling leaves are right around the corner. The last few weeks of summer are the perfect time to get your home ready for fall.
Here are some ways to get your home ready for the fall.
Furnace and Boiler Prep
Colder days means a need for warmer temps indoors. The weeks leading up to fall are a perfect time to make sure your furnace or boiler are ready to go. To be on the safe side, have your furnace inspected professionally for peace of mind. Replace the filters so your furnace runs efficiently. An efficient furnace during the fall and winter save you money on heating costs.
Fireplace & Chimney Prep
If you have a fireplace now is the time to clean it out. A clean and prepped fireplace and chimney helps to avoid chimney fires. Preparing your fireplace ensures that it runs effectively and works well throughout the fall and winter. There are professionals available for chimney cleaning. Get a professional so you can ensure it is done right. Enjoy family time around the fireplace with peace of mind.
Clean Gutters
Before the leaves start falling, clean out what debris you currently have in your gutters. This will help minimize gutter clogging. Be sure to keep up a regular gutter cleaning schedule during the fall. Don’t feel like cleaning your gutter all the time during the fall? Invest in a gutter guard. This will keep debris and leaves out of your gutter, reducing how much cleaning you actually have to do.
Rearrange tool-shed
Put away the lawn mower, hedge trimmers, and other summer tools. Set out the necessary tools and equipment for fall. Set out your leaf blower, rake, broom, etc. Having these things out and arranged for easy access makes your life easier in the fall. You won’t have to go digging and searching when it’s time to rake the leaves or sweep the yard.
Get a Home Energy Inspection
Finally, get a home energy inspection to make sure you’re not losing energy. Leaks and drafts make it hard to efficiently heat your home. To keep your home comfortable without draining your wallet, get an inspection. A home energy inspector usually checks the attic insulation, windows, doors and more to make sure your home is as efficient as possible.
Check these off your list and you’re closer to having your home ready for the fall season. Are there other things you do to get your home ready each fall? Let us know in the comments.